I've been neglecting my poor blog. I'll admit, it's laziness and a lack of documenting the things that I've been making lately. Honestly, I haven't made nearly enough in my absence here; I wish I had a better reason.
There are a few things that I've been obsessing over lately, though, that might surprise y'all. Tutorials like this one from
Make it-Love it!
Or pinning
things like this:
I actually made
one of these:
Maybe, by now, you're starting to see a reoccurring theme with these things? Well that's because of something extra special that I've been keeping under wraps for the past 6 months!
I'm having a brand new baby boy this July!!!!!
It's so exciting to be able to share with y'all finally. My husband and I couldn't be more thrilled to have another son and are anxious to welcome him this summer :)! There's going to be another little firecracker in our family!!